Condominium Principled Co-ownership
Both the establishment of condominium principled co-ownership (Stockwerkeigentum) and the transfer of such flats (e.g. purchase, sale) must be notarised. We will be happy to assist you with matters and questions relating to condominium principled co-ownership properties and will manage all the necessary notarisations for you. In the event of a dispute with other co-owners, we will support you with our expertise in the area of out-of-court settlements, and we will also represent you in any legal proceedings that may prove necessary.
As one of the leading notary offices in the Canton of Berne, we have extensive experience with all aspects of condominium principled co-ownership – which means we can offer you complete support and advice in all matters relating to your condominium principled co-ownership property.
André Kuhn
Direct phone:
+41 58 658 29 36
Marco Strahm Notariat
Christoffelgasse 6
3001 Bern
Phone: +41 58 658 20 00
Fax: +41 58 658 59 59
To the Profile